Preparing for oral emergencies is often as critical as the actual treatment is if the worst should ever take place. Even though trivial accidents such as biting your lip may seem inconsequential, they can potentially have lasting effects on your smile and could lead to infections if not addressed quickly. Thus, treat all oral emergencies the same, even ones that may seem inconsequential.
One of the most common types of oral emergencies occurs during catastrophic tooth loss. If you have a tooth knocked loose, your jaw may also be injured. Check to make sure your jaw isn’t broken, and conceal any bleeding wounds with gauze until the bleeding halts. In some cases, some teeth can be saved and reinserted later, so place any teeth that may have been knocked out into a liquid solution to stop them from drying out.
Another common oral emergency occurs when an object becomes lodged in your mouth. This can be the result of something you eat or a loose physical object. If this occurs, do not attempt to pry the item out, particularly if it is stuck between your teeth. Also, avoid using sharp objects to pry it out. alternatively, use an interdental cleaner such as dental floss or a water flosser. If you cannot dislodge the item safely, visit your dentist.
You may be at an increased risk for an oral emergency. Letitia M. Williams, DDS, LLC is here to help you with all your oral health needs. For a complete diagnosis from Dr. Letitia M. Williams and our team at our dentist office in Union Springs, Alabama, you can schedule an appointment by calling us at 334.377.3778. We look forward to hearing from you soon!